Welcome to tumu1tus' Site!

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Hi! I'm tumu1tus, I like playing video games, listening to music, and skateboarding!

You may have found this site after playing a game with me! That's awesome!

I don't necessarily have a favorite band or even a favorite song but, here are some of my favorites:

My favorite multiplayer game of all time is Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. (My highest rank was Gold II during Operation Burnt Horizon)

My favorite singleplayer game of all time is A Night in the Woods, followed by the Portal series.
I love these games for their amazing stories. If you haven't played either, I highly recommend playing all three!

A Night in the Woods is an interactive story created by Finji and Infinite Fall with an amazing story and soundtrack! In my opinion, it is truly a work of art and I think everyone should play it.

Portal 1 and Portal 2 are both puzzle games created by Valve with a very rich story that leaves enough to the imagination but, has enough detail to deliver a stunning and original story.

I consider all of these singleplayer games to be "must-plays." They can both be conveniently found on the Steam Store.